
讲座题目:Deep Waters

主讲人:杨晨睿 博士后  耶鲁大学经济学系

主持人:刘晔 教 授  厦门大学经济学院财政系主任

     陈烨 助理教授 厦门大学经济学院财政系

时 间:202471日(周一)12:10—13:40

地 点:经济楼N302

主讲人介绍:杨晨睿(Dr.Anton Yang),美国普渡大学农业经济系博士,现为耶鲁大学经济学系博士后,耶鲁大学托宾经济政策中心研究员,美国普渡大学全球贸易分析中心(GTAP)研究员,国际货币基金组织(IMF)货币与资本市场部访问学者。他近期的主要研究包括:通过卫星数据探索全球地表与深层地下水的物理运动与精细层面上经济活动的关系,以及通过结构计量与传统数值方法研究参数识别对经济均衡反事实分析的影响


Water depletion is becoming a global crisis. Excessive extraction and pollution are outpacing the natural replenishment of fossil water resources, leading to severe ecological and socio-economic consequences. Current studies do not fully connect how (surface and underground) water moves across space, and its relation to the economy. Instead, they take underground water as an infinite pool. In this work, we bridge this gap by building a tractable model that introduces a comprehensive economics-to-physics feedback mechanism. Using satellite imagery, we track global water movement. Our model improves understanding of how water travels across space and how it relates to economic activities, including the endogenous extraction of non-renewable groundwater.